Email Marketing Campaigns Without These 3 Things Always Fail
July 2, 2018

The Strategy Million Dollar Companies Use For Launching Facebook Ads

Facebook has made $12.5 billion in ad revenue since launching their platform.

The social media mogul has become one of the top sought after marketing platforms catching the eye of multimillion dollar brands. As Gary Vee repeats, you have to go where the eyes are.

With 2.19 billion active users, Facebook has the attention of consumers all over the globe. This attention makes it a prime place for marketing.

The problem is, most people don’t know how to market on Facebook correctly.

Small business owners will attempt to market their business on Facebook, hoping to be seen by its multibillion dollar audience.

These small business owners are doing one thing wrong.

They are trying to market to everybody.

This is a crucial marketing mistake made thousands of times a day by companies around the world. It seems like the smarter option to generate a broad ad to as many people as possible.

This is wrong.

Expert marketers infamously quote, “the riches are in the niches.” Having a Facebook campaign that’s designed for various avatars is the wrong campaign. The right campaign is hyper focused on one specific avatar and curates advertisements that speak directly to this avatar. To find this avatar and create ads that directly target them, you want to ask these three questions.

How old is your ideal consumer?

These are the age groups you can choose to target on Facebook:








Choose two age groups (maximum) to target.

Who is your ideal consumer?

  • Are they male or female?
  • Where do they live?
  • How do they spend their time online?
  • What are they struggling with?
  • What is making them unhappy?
  • What is making them happy?

Successful ad campaigns have a detailed description of their ideal avatar.

Let’s say you own a co-working space and your ideal consumer is a 25-34 year old small online business owner. They are male or female, they live within 15 miles of the co-working space. They spend their time watching entrepreneurial Youtube videos. They struggle with productivity due to a lack of workspace. They’re unhappy with their finances because they know they could grow their business if they had a better place to work from. They’re happy when they are working and talking with like minded entrepreneurs.

The more detail you can put into your ideal avatar, the more targeted you can create your campaign. Remember, the riches are in the niches. You can niche down now and broaden your niche as your grow your clientele.

Why does your ideal consumer want your product?

Let’s say your ideal consumer for your co-working space is a 25-34 year old small online business owner. What does this consumer want from your product?

  • Great wifi
  • A comfortable desk and chair
  • Community

Outline everything your consumer wants from your product.

What does an advertisement for each of these things look like?

Small business owners tend to try to hit a homerun with one advertisement. They want this one ad to convert and help them get leads and sell product. This isn’t how the rest of the marketing world works.

Million dollar companies know the key to a successful campaign is in A/B testing. By identifying everything your customer wants from your product and creating ads for each of these wants, you can test what need is the strongest and then put your ad dollars behind this need.

Let’s say your ad for the community vibe of your co-working space brings in 20 leads in the first two weeks. The ad for great wifi only brings in 5 leads. This tells you that your ideal consumer is more interested in being part of a co-working community than the great wifi that comes with it.

You can now create two advertisements about your community co-working space and  continue to A/B test and push the one that works the best.

Million dollar companies don’t create advertisements that suit all 2.19 billion Facebook users. They create advertisements that target one specific avatar.

Identifying your ideal avatar and curating advertisements that are designed for this one specific type of person is the key to marketing success.

Don’t know who your ideal avatar is? Send me an email with your business, products and services and we’ll identify who your ideal avatar is:

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