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3 Social Media Mistakes Your Company Needs to Avoid

Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. With so many social media platforms to choose from, it can be challenging for companies. While social media can help your company increase brand awareness and lead generation, you need to avoid some common social media marketing mistakes.

Forgetting the Basics

Who is the audience you are trying to reach? Once you have decided on your demographics, make sure your message clearly speaks to them. Focus your content on your audience and how you can engage them. Don’t use jargon or terms common to professionals but not your end user. Instead, use the terms your audience uses and the way they would use them.
Platforms like Twitter and Facebook let you schedule content in advance. While this may seem like an easy way to broadcast content, it can actually separate you from your audience. Use social media to create a meaningful customer experience. Learn to “listen” and have conversations.

Ignoring the Relationships

Too many companies focus on building their following using only social platforms. If people aren’t engaging with your messages or buying your products or services, what’s the point? Use social media to create relationships, offer value, and generate leads. It can also be a good way for you to build your blog and email list.

While social media is a popular method to connect with your audience, it is not meant to serve as your company website. Social media is valuable, but you don’t own the platforms. Use it to drive customers to your company website where sales happen.

Forgetting To Listen

All feedback is data. Review the feedback your audience is giving you and use it to improve your content or to create new content. If someone gives you an idea, use it in your next video or post. Then take the time to analyze the post to see if it was successful. If it was a failure by your standards, determine why and learn from those mistakes.

Our Approach

Tangerine Dreams can create a realistic and effective marketing strategy for your business starting with analyzing where you are right now. We look at what you have done in the past, what your competitors are doing, who your target audience is, and better ways to reach them.

We find the right activities for your business, so you can gain a quality ROI on those activities. Having a thorough understanding of your business and its marketplace will help ensure we propose the most effective marketing tactics for your organization.

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